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May 20, 2020UPDATE: Governor Extends Ban on Alcohol Sales After 11 PM
July 22, 2020The Town of Matthews has established guidelines to allow food and beverage establishments to add temporary outdoor seating areas. Restaurants and bars can take advantage of these temporary measures that allow increased outdoor seating while assuring safe social distancing. If you are interested in temporarily expanding your business’ outdoor seating, submit an application to the Town of Matthews Planning and Development Department for approval. Find the guidelines and application here.
The resolution passed by the Matthews Town Board of Commissioners on June 8, 2020 allows for additional outdoor seating in one of the following circumstances. Businesses applying for temporary outdoor seating must continue to adhere to all social distancing protocols, CDC recommendations, and health department requirements in both indoor and outdoor spaces.
In Downtown Matthews
A business may request the use of either sidewalk space or up to two parking spaces. Town Staff will determine whether the temporary expansion can be safely allowed and will work with the applicant to identify any additional required safety measures. The business must assure these minimum guidelines:
- ADA accessibility maintained at all times;
- A minimum of 5’ of sidewalk clearance maintained;
- The area kept clean and free of litter.
Once the space has been defined, the business should embellish the area with potted plants, umbrellas or other decorative elements. The Town will allow temporary outdoor banners and A-frame signage, as long as it is consistent with the Matthews UDO.
If approved, the temporary outdoor seating area will be allowed for 30-day increments and may be extended on a month-to-month basis during phase 2.
Onsite Parking-Space Dining
A business may request a reduction of up to 25% of required onsite parking in the areas immediately adjacent to its building. Calculate the 25% reduction based on the pre-pandemic seating capacity. For instance, a 60-seat restaurant with 10 employees on the busiest shift would be required to provide 25 parking spaces. The new temporary dining could occupy 6 of these required spaces. In addition to submitting an application for temporary parking-space dining, the business must submit a sketch showing the location of temporary outdoor dining..
Town Staff will determine whether the temporary expansion can be safely allowed and will work with the applicant to identify any additional required safety measures. The business must assure that drive aisles and accessible parking spaces are maintained at all times.
Once the space has been defined, the business should embellish the area with potted plants, umbrellas or other decorative elements. The business or property owner is responsible for all costs associated with the temporary outdoor dining area.
If approved, the temporary outdoor seating area will be allowed for 30-day increments and may be extended on a month-to-month basis during phase 2.
Additional Considerations
For those businesses considering applying to expand outdoor seating, please consider these additional suggestions from The Town:
- Check with your insurance carrier re: liability.
- Will you be serving alcohol in the temporary area? If so, the area should be clearly defined by retractable barrier stanchions, rope, fencing, or other methods.
- Remember – The business is responsible for the maintenance of the temporary dining area, including the removal of trash and litter.
- Make sure you understand current guidance from the Mecklenburg County Public Health Department and the CDC.
- Review current ABC Commission guidance for extension of on-premise alcohol consumption.
For more information or to ask questions about your specific situation, contact the Town of Matthews Planning Department at 704-847-4411.