New-Business Resources

Questions about re-locating or starting a business in Matthews? We're here for you! Contact the Matthews Chamber staff or click below to access specific resources. 

Town of Matthews
You don't need a business permit to set-up shop in Matthews, but there may be other resources you need from the town. 
Mecklenburg County
The town of Matthews is located in Mecklenburg County, and the county offers some resources for businesses.
Small Business Administration (SBA)
The SBA has a North Carolina district office in Charlotte and offers information on small business loans, grants, bonds, business-education events, and much more. Visit the Charlotte SBA website to learn more.

The SCORE Association, celebrating 40 years of service to our community, is a nonprofit group dedicated to entrepreneur education and to helping in the formation, growth and success of small businesses. SCORE is a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration, and we're lucky to have a very active mentorship program in the Charlotte chapter. Visit the website to learn more.

Charlotte Regional Business Alliance
The Charlotte Regional Business Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to the economic development of the Charlotte 15-county region in North and South Carolina. It's a great resource for regional business data, legislative updates on business issues, and much more. Find everything you need on the Alliance website.